For those that didn't hear there was a fire aboard the USS George Washington the end of May. My brother serves on that ship. So we were already planning to drive over to San Diego to see him on May 29th. Well after the fire we knew they'd get to San Diego earlier. Sure enough about 5:30pm on the 27th my mom gets a phone call from her cousin saying he can see the ship in the distance. So we made the decision to go ahead and go the 28th so we could get the kids settled in the hotel room before getting ROb.
Wed 5/28- We drove over to Chula Vista on 5/28. Left Flag around 10:30 am and pulled into the Comfort Inn & Suites parking lot about 9:45pm. Sure we made an hour stop at McDonald's in Anthem, AZ for lunch and met up w/ my niece Lacey. Then potty and gas stops along the way. We also made a 2 hr pitstop for dinner in El Centro at Applebee's and met up with my mom's friend Jan and her Dad. The kids were so good in the van on the trip over there!!
Thur 5/29-Then morning of the 29th we were kinda lazy getting up and around. We finally got packed up and headed out around 11 am. Headed to NAS North Island to get a pass to get on the base. Drove on base to figure out where we needed to be to get my brother. THere was a nice grassy area w/ tables so we decided that was a perfect place to eat lunch. The kids had a blast running around. THen we decided to go explore Coronado Island and found a park where we spent the afternoon hanging out till time to head back on base to meet Rob. We headed back to the base and timed it almost perfect for walking over to the ship's security check point. Headed back to the hotel to relax and check into the other room. Then decided to go get dinner at Black Angus that night. Chris was running around and did a face plant into the carpet and gave himself a BAD rug burn on this forehead, he's still got a bruise there 13 days later!! So I had t take him out to the van to get him to calm down. After dinner we hung out at the hotel and relaxed.
Fri 30th- Rob had to go back to work so my mom's cousin took him for us since he works there on North Island. We had another lazy morning and decided to go to walmart and get a few things. Then we had lunch at Carl's Jr and headed over to Coronado and went to the Ferry Landing. It was so neat walking along the bay and there are some really cute shops there. I got the kids shirts at one of the stores. Then we headed over to the base and about the time we were getting close to the parking area by the ship ROb called and said he was off so we met him in the parking lot. We went back to the hotel for a while and then headed out to dinner. We met my mom's cousin, wife and son for dinner at La Bella Pizza Garden. It was VERY yummy food. After dinner we decided to go shopping. My brother bought me a tomtom gps for my van. I WUVS him!!! THen it was back to the hotel to get kids in bed and then relax.
Sat 31st- Got up and went to seaport village. We had lunch at the pier cafe and mmm yummy margaritas and fish tacos!! We walked around and did some shopping too. THen we all rode the carousel before leaving. The traffic getting back to I 5 was a MESS!! Thanks to the rock n roll marathon. We decided to go find the shopping center with build a bear and barnes and noble. It was a really nice outdoor mall. THen we got jack in the box for dinner and ate in our rooms and just hung out the rest of the night.
Sun 1st- We slept in again. I got me and the kids donuts at Yum Yum donuts, they were REALLY good!! Then we packed up and went to the Chula Vista Nature Center. That is such a neat place and VERY inexpensive!! Then we went back to the hotel and mom took the kids upstairs while ROb and I got lunch next door at Wendy's. We ate lunch outside by the pool. THen went swimming. That afternoon we relaxed in the room and my wonderful brother brought up the Captain and some cokes. We went to Carrow's for dinner and then just hung out that night in the hotel rooms.
Mon 2nd- Had to get up EARLY to take ROb to his class. First place we went ended up being the WRONG address. SO Rob had to call and find out where he actually needed to be. Thank goodness he had bought me that tomtom!!! We fed in the cross streets and poof I was on the way to the correct place. Turns out the class was over in Point Loma. But we actually managed to get him there on time even in San Diego morning traffic!!! After we dropped him off it was back to the hotel to pack it up. I got the van loaded in about 3 trips. We hit the road about 10 am to head home. Had lunch at Carl's Jr in Yuma. Of course MANY potty stops along the way and a few gas stops. We grabbed a quick dinner from mc d's in Anthem. Got home about 7:30pm.¤t=78bc7f69.pbw¤t=64e7812c.pbw
Shearer Family 2015

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Dr appt trip to Tucson & Phoenix
We left Wed heading to Tucson to stay the night at Comfort Suites Sabino Canyon. Ok that hotel is HORRIBLE!!! We stayed there before and it was ok. BUT this stay was BAD!!! FIRST we get put in a room and the bathroom door lock is broke and won't open from the outside once it's closed. THEN they FINALLY get their act together and get us a new room and the darn a/c doesn't work right. IT got SOO stinking HOT in that room and the a/c WOULD not come back on!!! I got nada sleep that night. Also the carpets were GROSS the kids feet were BLACK from walking around. Just EWWW WILL not stay there again!!!
Thur morning was Ben's appt w/ Dr McDonough-Means. Found out yes he has a language disorder but also has a motor planning disorder. He also has allergies. So he is on the dairy and additive free diet now too. Then it was back to the hotel to pack up and go get lunch. Had lunch at McDOnalds so the kids could play and my mom could watch them while we took Kathleen to the dr. Dr M & M said Kathleen is doing great but to be better about the diet and supplements.
After the appt we went back to get mom & the other kids and hit the road to drive up to Scottsdale. Got up there and checked in and WOW I was guest of the day! I got a little cooler bag, water bottle, beach ball & piggy bank. We got all settled in the room and headed over to the mall to eat dinner at The Yard House. Yummy food like always :) Then we went upstairs to Build a Bear because Puppy needed more shirts. I ended up getting a U of A shirt, Dbacks shirt and hat for him:) Chris was very happy:) THen we ran into The Disney Store to see if they had a Jesse doll and they didn't. So back to the hotel to get to bed.
Up early Fri morning so we could get Ben & Kathleen over to the Shriner's clinic at Maricopa Medical Center. They both had xrays done and we waited for our turn to be seen. Finally we got called back and the kids first saw Dr Pond one of the interns. He said Ben was doing GREAT!!! Then looked at Kathleen's feet and wasn't happy with how her left foot was doing. Mentioned surgery down the road. Then went to look at the xrays. While back there he talked with the kids surgeon Dr Santora. So they both came back in the room and Dr Santora looked at her foot and said I don't think we should wait on the surgery. So we'll be going back to Salt Lake City to have surgery on her foot again this summer. This will be her fourth surgery.
After the appts we went back to the hotel to check out and head over to the AZ Science Center to see the Titanic and Dino exibits. Grabbed a quick lunch and went to see those. Both were amazing!! Then we hit the road to get an early dinner at Cracker Barrel. Poor Ben was asleep when we got there so we had to wake him up and that led to TOTAL meltdown:( I ended up taking him out to rock him. Thank GOODNESS for their rocking chairs!! He finally calmed down and we enjoyed lunch. Then we stopped at Happy Valley to get Kathleen a webkinz and she picked out a webkins purse/carrier. Then it was head up the mountain to get home. Got home around 7pm that night. We were all dead beat tired.
Thur morning was Ben's appt w/ Dr McDonough-Means. Found out yes he has a language disorder but also has a motor planning disorder. He also has allergies. So he is on the dairy and additive free diet now too. Then it was back to the hotel to pack up and go get lunch. Had lunch at McDOnalds so the kids could play and my mom could watch them while we took Kathleen to the dr. Dr M & M said Kathleen is doing great but to be better about the diet and supplements.
After the appt we went back to get mom & the other kids and hit the road to drive up to Scottsdale. Got up there and checked in and WOW I was guest of the day! I got a little cooler bag, water bottle, beach ball & piggy bank. We got all settled in the room and headed over to the mall to eat dinner at The Yard House. Yummy food like always :) Then we went upstairs to Build a Bear because Puppy needed more shirts. I ended up getting a U of A shirt, Dbacks shirt and hat for him:) Chris was very happy:) THen we ran into The Disney Store to see if they had a Jesse doll and they didn't. So back to the hotel to get to bed.
Up early Fri morning so we could get Ben & Kathleen over to the Shriner's clinic at Maricopa Medical Center. They both had xrays done and we waited for our turn to be seen. Finally we got called back and the kids first saw Dr Pond one of the interns. He said Ben was doing GREAT!!! Then looked at Kathleen's feet and wasn't happy with how her left foot was doing. Mentioned surgery down the road. Then went to look at the xrays. While back there he talked with the kids surgeon Dr Santora. So they both came back in the room and Dr Santora looked at her foot and said I don't think we should wait on the surgery. So we'll be going back to Salt Lake City to have surgery on her foot again this summer. This will be her fourth surgery.
After the appts we went back to the hotel to check out and head over to the AZ Science Center to see the Titanic and Dino exibits. Grabbed a quick lunch and went to see those. Both were amazing!! Then we hit the road to get an early dinner at Cracker Barrel. Poor Ben was asleep when we got there so we had to wake him up and that led to TOTAL meltdown:( I ended up taking him out to rock him. Thank GOODNESS for their rocking chairs!! He finally calmed down and we enjoyed lunch. Then we stopped at Happy Valley to get Kathleen a webkinz and she picked out a webkins purse/carrier. Then it was head up the mountain to get home. Got home around 7pm that night. We were all dead beat tired.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Wow long time no updates!!
The last year was CRAZY around the Shearer house. In April we were told Kathleen is mildly mentally retarded and that just sent my head spinning for MONTHS!!! In May 07 we went on a much needed vacation to Disneyland. My brother got off a plane from Italy and off to Disneyland we went. We spent 3 short days in the parks before we had to head back home. The kids had a BLAST!!! We had a great time too.
Ben started speech therapy over last summer for a moderate speech delay and continues to get therapy once a week. He is doing great and such a big kid and spitting image of my dad!
Chris is one busy 3 yr old always playing with his trains or watching Noggin. He amazes us daily with the things he can do.
Kathleen is loving school MOST days. She just started going to a mainstream Kindergarten class 2 afternoons a week. We also finally learned exactly what is going on with her. She has been diagnosed with mild cerebral palsy, mild mental retardation and severe language disorder. She started out this school year in a Life Skills program and just blossomed so now we're pushing for inclusion with her peers.
Kayleigh is loving the 3rd grade and doing very well in school this year. She's a great big sister and helper around the house.
I am staying busy with MOPS this year as the publicity team leader. I keep the web page up to date and publish a newsletter once or twice a month.
We also moved the kids play area to the backyard back in October.
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