Shearer Family 2015

Shearer Family 2015

Saturday, December 12, 2015

So everyone is talking about essential oils and you're wondering what they are. They are an amazing way to help your family without using chemical based products. I have been using essential oils for two years now. My journey started with being tired of getting sick and a friend posted on face book that she had this mini kit that had thieves oil in it. I started using thieves oil that winter and hardly got sick! I was hooked, so a year later I started doing research on what oils I could use to help my asthma and that's when I made the jump and became a Young Living Rep. IF you are curious about these oils and what they can do for you give me a call, (928)606-9434.

Another great thing about the oils is Purification blend. I LOVE this oil!!! It's basically a natural Lysol/febreeze!!! This summer we had a skunk spray close to the house and it was just stinky in here. So I put purification in two diffusers and put one in the livingroom and one by our bedroom door and a few hours later no more skunk smell and it never came back!!

I LOVE our products!!! Young Living Products

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